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Brain Bleed Symptoms After Car Accident

One of the most serious types of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) resulting from car accidents involves a head injury known as a brain bleed. A brain bleed occurs when there is bleeding in or around the brain, leading to potentially life-threatening consequences. Recognizing the symptoms of a brain bleed and seeking immediate medical attention can make a significant difference in the outcome.

Whether you were involved in a highway accident, a rear-end collision, or a side-impact crash, the potential for traumatic brain injuries like brain bleeds underscores the importance of seeking legal representation after a crash. At Smith & Hassler, our experienced attorneys can guide you through the complexities of your case, advocate for your rights, and help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

What is a brain bleed?

Brain bleed is a general term people often used to describe head injuries in which bleeding occurs in the brain between the brain tissue and the skull or inside the brain tissue itself. Also referred to as a brain hemorrhage or brain aneurysm, brain bleed injuries can be very serious and life-threatening in many circumstances. This is why it’s critical that anyone experiencing brain bleed symptoms seek immediate medical treatment right away.

How common are brain aneurysms?

More than 30,000 people suffer a brain aneurysm rupture each year on average nationwide, according to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. And overall, 6.7 million people nationwide have experienced a brain aneurysm or brain bleed at some point during their lives. That number works out to roughly 1 out 50 Americans.

Types of brain hemorrhages

There are many different types of brain aneurysms and hemorrhages. In general, the location of the brain bleed defines the type of brain hemorrhage. In general, the two most common locations for brain bleeds are inside the brain tissue or inside the skull but outside the brain tissue.

The most common types of brain hemorrhages that occur inside the brain tissue include:

  • Intracerebral hemorrhage – Bleeding in the brain that occurs within the brain tissues, especially in the cerebellum, pons, and lobes.
  • Intraventricular hemorrhage – Bleeding that occurs in the brain’s ventricles, where cerebrospinal fluid is produced in specific brain cavities.

Brain hemorrhages that occur inside the skull but outside the brain tissue include:

  • Epidural hemorrhage – Bleeding that occurs between the skull and the dura, the outermost membrane layer.
  • Subdural hemorrhage – Bleeding that occurs between the dura mater and arachnoid membrane, which is more inside the skull.
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage – Bleeding happens between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater, which is more inside the skull than the arachnoid membrane.

Common brain bleed symptoms

See a doctor right away if you or a loved one experience any of the following symptoms after an accident:

  • Severe headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Tingling in face
  • Unexplained weakness
  • Numbness in face, arms or legs
  • Paralysis in the face, legs or arms

How long after a car accident do brain bleed symptoms occur?

The complexity and potential danger of brain bleed injuries lie in their wide variation and unpredictable onset of symptoms. While some individuals may experience brain bleed symptoms minutes or hours after a car accident, others might not show signs until several days later. This unpredictability underscores the importance of seeking immediate medical attention after any car crash.

Attempting to self-diagnose brain bleed symptoms is risky and could delay crucial medical intervention. Instead, it is essential to prioritize your well-being and have a medical professional conduct a thorough examination and the necessary medical tests for accurate diagnosis, which often includes tests for brain aneurysms.

Your health and safety should always be the top priority, and any delay in seeking medical attention could be life-threatening. Don’t take any chances with your well-being after a car accident; see a doctor right away to ensure you receive the appropriate care and treatment.

What is the chance of survival for a brain bleed injury?

When it comes to the seriousness of a brain bleed, the numbers can vary significantly based on factors such as the severity of the hemorrhage, the location of the brain bleed, and the timing of diagnosis and treatment for a brain aneurysm. These variables can greatly impact the survival rate for someone experiencing a brain bleed.

Medical studies indicate that the five-year survival rate for brain bleeds is approximately 26 percent. However, it’s important to note that these statistics can differ significantly among patients due to individual circumstances and medical conditions. This is why you should see a doctor as soon as possible. In general, the sooner a brain aneurysm is diagnosed and treated, the better the survival rate.

How do doctors diagnose a brain aneurysm?

Doctors typically rely on various brain imaging scans to diagnose a brain aneurysm. These essential scans may include:

  • X-rays
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
  • Angiography, a specialized X-ray used to examine a person’s blood vessels

These imaging techniques play a crucial role in allowing medical professionals to visualize and assess the condition of the brain, aiding in the accurate and timely diagnosis of brain aneurysms.

Medical treatments for a brain bleed

In many cases, surgery may be required to treat a brain bleed, especially in certain serious situations. The two most common brain aneurysm surgical procedures are:

  • Surgical clipping, which closes off an aneurysm and stops the blood from flowing into the affected area.
  • Endovascular coil, in which a small catheter is inserted into an artery (often in the groin or wrist) and is threaded through the body to where the aneurysm took place. The coil is held in place using a stent and prevents blood from flowing at the aneurysm location.

Can you sue for a brain bleed injury?

Claims involving brain bleed injuries are complex due to the severity and unpredictability of these injuries. Again, brain bleeds can vary widely in their symptoms and onset time, making it challenging to accurately assess their full impact.

Insurance companies often attempt to reduce or deny such claims by delaying or disputing medical treatment, downplaying the severity of the injury, blaming pre-existing conditions, questioning the cause of the brain bleed, insisting on limited coverage, and seeking early settlements.

That’s why it’s crucial for victims to seek legal representation from an experienced injury attorney who can advocate effectively for fair compensation. At Smith & Hassler, our Houston-based law firm is here to help you find your way forward after a brain bleed injury. Our attorneys fight against insurance company tactics and work tirelessly to hold responsible parties accountable. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain bleed injury, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free case evaluation.

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